At the heart of our ethical policy is a commitment to providing the very highest standards of financial advice and service. Your interests are of paramount importance to us, so we’ve designed all systems and procedures to put you at the centre of everything we do. We promise to:

  • Conduct each and every aspect of our business with integrity, respect, dignity and confidentiality, ever mindful of our clients’ best interests and well-being.
  • Treat every client fairly, irrespective of their status or circumstances.
  • Communicate clearly, in plain English and without jargon.
  • Avoid conflicts of interest and, where there is conflict, disclose that to you.
  • Comply at all times with the requirements of the FCA and with the professional code of ethics of our professional body, the Chartered Insurance Institute and Personal Finance Society, together with all relevant laws and regulations.
  • In the case of our advisors, maintain a Statement of Professional Standing and suitable continuing professional development.
  • Ensure that all advice is given or overseen by a Chartered Financial Planner.
  • Invite any client over the age of 65 to involve a trusted family friend or family member in any discussion regarding advice about care funding, equity release or estate planning. If agreed, the written record of that advice would also be given to the nominated friend or family member.
  • Ask clients if they have any disability, including hearing or visual difficulties, so that appropriate measures are put in place for meetings and communicating. Whether it’s ensuring you have a convenient parking space, large print materials, shortening the length of meetings, or an assistant to aid understanding, we will do everything in our power to ensure your disability is accommodated and you get the very most out of our exchanges.
  • Seek your views about our relationship and dealings to ensure your expectations are met and improvements, if necessary, are made.
  • Provide a clear and transparent procedure for complaints which is explained to you and complies with all regulatory requirements and those of our professional body.